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Bassoon Reed Easel by Cullen Blain


Bassoon Reed Easel by Cullen Blain


Bassoon reed easel - an essential tool for working on bassoon cane during the reed making process providing a stable surface for precise hand profiling, scoring the ends of the cane, cutting in the collar, and other detailed adjustments. Compact and portable, it’s a must-have for all levels of reed makers.

Wood & Finish:
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Product Details

  • Bassoon Reed Easel

  • Select Woods & Finish: American Cherry, Birch, Poplar, Walnut

  • Sanded smooth, finished and conditioned with food-safe butcher block conditioner

  • Fits both Bassoon and Contrabassoon GSP reed cane

  • 5-15/16” length x 1-1/4” diameter