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Reed Dial Indicator

The CBR Precision Reed Dial Indicator

Reed Dial Indicator

Side view of Dial Indicator and interchangeable mandrel pin.


The interchangeable stainless steel mandrel pin is radiused with a flat-ground underside for ample clearance of the reed aperture with increments in Metric or Standard units.

Reed Dial Indicator

View of dial indicator stand an 3mm round contact point.

Reed Dial Indicator

The Precision Reed Dial Indicator with back plunger style Starrett gauge.

Designed for you. Made for performance. The sleek minimalist design complements this formative precision bench tool intended for years of heavy use.


The precision Starrett dial and small footprint make this reed dial indicator perfect for every reed maker.

Reed Dial Indicator

Close up of dial indicator fulcrum lever and touch point.


The lever arm has a circular touch for easy manipulation. Hex-head set screws hold securely and can be easily adjusted.