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Bassoon Cane and Reed Dimensions

Bassoon & Contrabassoon Reed Shapes

Available Bassoon reed shapes include:
Blain ‘Original’, Blain ‘Wide’ shape, Knochenauer, Fox 1, Fox 2, Fox 3, Herzberg Projects ‘Original’ shape, Rieger 1A, Rieger 2, Rieger 6

Available Contrabassoon reed shapes include:
Burl Lane ‘Original’ Shape, Rieger K1, Rieger K4, RIeger NN (Nielubowski)

Reed Shape - Blain.png


The Blain bassoon reed shape is a modified Mechler style shape because of the reverse radius that reduces the tip flare. For the most part, this shape is simple and straightforward. The blade is straight with a couple of deviations; at the collar, and a reverse radius reduces the tip flare. The tube width is above average with a substantial flare contour to reduce reaming.

Bassoon Reed Shape Knochenauer


The Knochenauer bassoon reed shape is comprised of curves. There are no straight lines in the contour. The blade always flares outward with no inward curves.

Bassoon Reed Shape Fox 1

Fox 1

The Fox 1 bassoon reed shape is a modified Knochenauer shape and includes a combination of straight and curved segments.

Bassoon Reed Shape Fox 2

Fox 2

The Fox 2 bassoon reed shape is one of the most popular reed shapes. Similar to the Rieger 1A, it is a almost a Knockenhauer shape with a straight-line blade.

Bassoon Reed Shape Fox 3

Fox 3

The Fox 3 bassoon reed shape is the widest of the numbered fox bassoon shapes, a modified-Knochenauer shape, the Fox 3 shape includes a combination of straight and curved segments.

Bassoon Reed Shape Herzberg


The Herzberg bassoon reed shape is a very well-known reed shape among professional bassoonists. It is considered a modified Mechler style with a significant flare to 10.5mm at the end of the tube. This flare is adjusted while beveling to create lever action or fulcrum, which means the end of the final dimension of the tube is dependent on your preferred amount of beveling.

Bassoon Reed Shape Rieger 1A

Rieger 1A

The Rieger 1A bassoon reed shape is one of the most popular reed shapes. Similar to the Fox 2, it is almost a Knochenauer style shape with a straight-line blade.

Bassoon Reed Shape Rieger 2

Rieger 2

The Rieger 2 bassoon shape is a true Knochenauer style shape. There are no straight lines in the contour and the blade flares outward.