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Reed Making Recommendations

The reed making recommendations are of all tools that I own and have come to rely on for reed making. There are many methods, tools, techniques, and styles of reed making, yet it comes down to having tools that you can rely on, good quality cane, and time to develop the skills associated with the craft. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.

Reed Adjustment Tools

Reed Making (in addition to Reed Adjustment tools)

  • Reed Drying Board, Pins & Rack - Christlieb Products

  • 22 Gauge Soft Brass Wire - Malin Company, Hillman Group, MSC Industrial Supply

  • Cotton Cooking/Butcher Twine, forming technique - depends on reed making pedagogy

  • Fox Products Forming Mandrel (Highly Recommended)

  • Hobby Diagonal Pliers (ig. Wire Cutters)

  • Favorite color thread - if using a thread wrapping, natural fibers work best for bassoon reeds

  • Bees Wax, Duco Cement, Nail Polish, Hot Glue, or Acrylic, for sealing - depends on reed making pedagogy

  • Georg Rieger Bassoon Reed Tip Cutter - try purchasing this tool used for around $120-150 (new ones are rather expensive), I can clean it up and sharpen them for you if needed.

  • Otter Creek Double Reeds Bassoon cane scoring tool - I prefer the 7 blade, the 5 blade one is nice too!

  • Womble/Williams Diamond Reamer or Georg Rieger Diamond Reamer