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Bassoon Cane

10-pack of Concentric Gouged Bassoon Cane


10-pack of Concentric Gouged Bassoon Cane

Sale Price:$20.00 Original Price:$35.00

10-pack of concentric gouged bassoon cane. This cane is processed using a Precision Music Products edge-clamping bassoon gouger set to your desired gouge thickness specification.

Gouge Thickness:
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Product Details

  • 10-pack high-quality professionally processed concentric gouged bassoon reed cane

  • Select bassoon reed cane gouge thickness: 1.20mm, 1.25mm, 1.30mm, 1.35mm, 1.40mm

  • Bassoon Cane reed segments aged for a minimum of 6 months

  • Processed from 24mm diameter high-quality French bassoon tube cane, Rigotti France