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Bulk Orders (minimum order 100 pieces)

Handmade Bassoon Reeds - Bulk order minimum 12 reeds

custom pro bassoon reed.png
Standard - Unicorn.png
Spring - Parrotfish.png
Spring - Persian Indigo.png
Standard - Traumatically Pink.png
Summer - Lions Pride.png
custom pro bassoon reed.png
Standard - Unicorn.png
Spring - Parrotfish.png
Spring - Persian Indigo.png
Standard - Traumatically Pink.png
Summer - Lions Pride.png

Handmade Bassoon Reeds - Bulk order minimum 12 reeds

from $275.00

Handmade Bassoon Reed, bulk order minimum 12 reeds. Expertly designed to make learning easy and enjoyable. Perfect for developing musicians and bassoon players of all ages.

Discount codes do not apply to bulk orders.

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Product Details

  • Handmade and individually tested

  • Medium-Soft reed strength

  • Super fun thread colors

  • Tuned to 440 hz


  • High-quality French Bassoon Cane (Rigotti)

  • 22-gauge soft brass wire

  • Hand-dyed thread (FF Cotton or FF Nylon)

  • Non-toxic water-resistant adhesive

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