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Bulk Orders (minimum order 100 pieces)

Gouged Shaped Profiled (GSP) Bassoon Cane - Bulk order minimum 100 pieces


Gouged Shaped Profiled (GSP) Bassoon Cane - Bulk order minimum 100 pieces

from $400.00

Select reed shape and reed profile on the following page, minimum order of 100 pieces.

Discount codes do not apply to bulk orders.

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Product Details

  • Gouged Shaped and Profiled Bassoon Reed Cane (GSP Bassoon Cane)

  • Select Bassoon Reed Shapes: Blain, Fox 1, Fox 2, Fox 3, Herzberg, Rieger 1A, Rieger 2, Winstead (learn more here)

  • Select Bassoon Reed Profile: Standard, Tapered Tip

  • All profiles meet starting profiles for Herzberg and Winstead reed making mojo pedagogy / theory

  • Personalization and custom request available