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Accessories & Tools

Bassoon Reed Pin

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Bassoon Reed Pin on Lapel
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Bassoon Reed Pin on case
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Bassoon Reed Pin on Lapel
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Bassoon Reed Pin on case

Bassoon Reed Pin


Soft Enamel Bassoon Reed Pin with shiny gold backing and white attachments. Designed after the Blain-Winstead Shape. Holds well on an instrument case or as a lapel pin; very secure. Limited Run (50 count).

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Product Details
This limited run die struck soft enamel reed pin makes a great gift for any bassoonist. Soft Enamel with a shiny gold backing and black attachments.
Pin one on today!

High quality Soft enamel pin
Die struck (raised) metal and recessed enamel
Traditional Red Thread Color
Shiny Gold Setting
Black attachments

Product Size
2 1/4" x 9/16"